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AKT II joins ConcreteZero.

Commitment to decarbonisation.

AKT II has joined ConcreteZero, a global initiative that brings together pioneering organisations to create a market for net-zero concrete.

ConcreteZero members commit to using 30 % low emission concrete by 2025 and 50 % by 2030, with a long-term target of using 100 % net-zero concrete by 2050.

Both commitments bring together businesses to speed up the net-zero transition of concrete and steel – two highly polluting industries – with the aim to send a strong signal to producers, policymakers, and investors that there’s a high demand for net-zero materials.

We are proud to be able to influence the design and use of concrete and steel across a wide range of built environment projects.

AKT II joins ConcreteZero

David Watson, technical director at AKT II, said: “We need to fundamentally transform the way we make and use concrete so that we can meet the goals that are set out within the Paris Agreement. This is going to take a massive effort across the entire industry.
At AKT II we are proud to be joining ConcreteZero, who are now striving to create a global market for net-zero concrete. As a collective, we are looking forward to working together in rising to this significant challenge.”