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AKT II joins the global Ecocity discussion.

Ecocity World Summit 2023.

Against the backdrop of the London Festival of Architecture, the 2023 summit – the first to be held in-person in London in four years – encompasses a diverse conference and exhibition programme that responds to this year’s theme of ‘connecting communities’.

AKT II has supported it in multiple ways …

This year’s summit has been hosted at London’s Barbican Centre. An array of high-profile speakers – including policymakers, activists, designers and academics – have together been engaged to provide inspiring and provoking views about the future of our cities and communities. Across three days, this year’s discussion has centred on biodiversity, regenerative design, new lifestyles, and healthy ecosystems.

Developing the technologies of the future ...

As a contribution to this dialogue, AKT II has supported the award-winning novel-concrete enterprise Seratech with the second exhibition of the demountable Crinkle-Crankle Concrete installation, which showcases Seratech’s pioneering carbon-neutral concrete material.

AKT II’s co-founder Hanif Kara has also joined the architect Yasmeen Lari, live on stage, to examine the importance of creating architecture to resist climate disasters while at the same time training more resilient communities.

... and learning from the wisdom of the past.

We’ve also contributed an online presentation on the subject of ‘watering without water: an ancient technique of cultivation for the future of cities’, as part of our team’s ongoing research work in Sharjah together with the architectural practice Cooking Sections.

Read more about the project