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Marta Galiñanes-García joins the NLA Expert Panel.

Design Director, Marta Galiñanes-García has joined the New London Architecture Expert Panel for Education. The NLA programme brings together members of the built environment to discuss the future needs of the education sector.

Marta-Galiñanes-Garcia on the NLA Expert Panel Education

The NLA’s Expert Panels bring together industry experts from the NLA membership to advise on their core programmes. The numerous panels will provide thought-leadership on design, development and construction in London and respond to new policies or consultations.

For many years, Marta has led many of AKT II’s education sector projects in London, including St Paul’s School, Kingston University Town House and the LSE Marshall Building.

As a member of the UK’s Higher Education Design Quality Forum (HEDQF), an independent association involving 12 universities throughout London, Marta is an advocate for education sector design.

Rob Partridge, Design Director, is also a member of the NLA Expert Panel for Science, Tech & Innovation.

To find out more about the expert panels, follow the link below to the NLA’s website.

NLA Expert Panels